Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hispanic Dream

Today students from the University of Texas got together and rallied up for The Dream Act. The Dream Act would give thousands of illegal immigrants students a chance of success in this country only if they qualify. The deal would be that they must graduate from high school and then have to serve either two years of military service or attend two years of college. It would make me very thrilled if this bill would pass because it would encourage the Hispanic race to achieve in our education. In my point of view, the Hispanic race sooner or later will become the majority in the U.S. and it will do the country really good to help us strive in the future of these kids because they are the American future. I attended one of these rallies a few years ago, in downtown Austin, and felt really happy to see thousands of students and parents together hoping to make a difference for this generation. Will theyre American dream come true?

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